NZOWU has adopted Sport Integrity Commission Te Kahu Raunui Sports Anti-Doping Rules ( ) and all members of NZOWU will abide by these rules and all aspects of these anti-doping rules.   This allows the Commission's jurisdiction for all aspects of doping control at events officiated on the NZOWU Calendar.

We are also bound by the international regulations of WADA, so all members have a responsibility to ensure that they understand clearly these regulations.

The Sport Integrity Commission have available a suite of information and support tools available to Clubs and Athletes:

All athletes must be aware of Wrestling NZ's Anti-Doping Policy which is listed under NZOWU Policies.


The Sport Integrity Commission offer many free online courses for all club members/athletes.  

It is encougaged that you review their new website and try some of their eLearning, webinars or workshops to understand your role in clean sport.

To stay updated with anti-doping content follow the Commission on Facebook and Instagram @antidopingnz